One Christmas Day we were driving around and found this little Tamale place. We got a package and took a long drive in the country. Since we are always without my big extended family each year, around the holidays, I have always felt lost and sad. Well I decided the next year we would make that tradition- to go to the Tamale place, but bring them home and all cook together. Now each year, I make a great Chicken Enchilada Soup. The kids help bake their favorite Peanut Butter Blossom cookies and we all have an enjoyable meal cooked by all of us.
This year we planned to do this on Christmas Day but it started snowing. Yes snow here! We piled in the car and got our Tamales. Ate some in the car driving home. driving home in the snow. I have had so many, that I better stop so we have them for our meal tomorrow!
Please drop me a line and tell me a fun tradition that you do with your family???
Merry Christmas Eve!
Hi Barb. I left our traditions on my blog. Have a Merry Christmas.
How fun. I love tamales. be careful out in the snow. Wish we got some snow here. That would make this Christmas a fun one :)
I agree, it is hard not to have family close by. We have many dear friends that are like family which is a true blessing. The last 4 years we have spent Christmas day with our neighbors which is always fun.
As a child, we would go upstairs and look out the window watching for Santa and hoping to hear his sleigh bells. So much fun.
Hope the streets don't get too icy for you. Stay cozy and warm cooking and spending time with family.
Barb- that sounds like so much fun. I hope your kids enjoy the snow as it probably won't last long.
When our kids were todlers we started the tradition that Santa would knock on the door sometime during the week before Christmas and leave a gift. They never saw Santa, but certainly tried their best. They always treasured that gift more than the big ones they got from Santa on Christmas morning. My daughter carried on the tradition with her kids. To this day my daughter and son talk about the gifts Santa left.
Living in South Africa makes for very different traditions: sunshine, braaivleis (barbeque), and fruit salad next to the pool, after the whole family went to church. That is a perfect Christmas for me.
Sounds like you had a wonderful time with your family! We always get up very early and open stockings first... they are always filled with silly things...but it's my favorite part. The kids still look forward to it, but it's getting harder and harder to get them to do the "Early" part.. I'm waiting for them now.. that's why I'm on the computer! lol
Have a blessed day with your family.
Seeing as my family is 9 hours away I started doing my own traditions with my family.
One of the traditions I started with our family is putting the gingerbread house together Christmas Eve~then we always go out and drive around to look at the houses all decorated and lit up. Then it's home for hot chocolate and marshmallows, fuzzy pj's and 'the night before Christmas' book.
We also go to MIL's for supper and play board games and a few wobbly drinks! LOL!!
We used to have a dog when my children were growing up, her name was Samantha and we called her Miss Puppy America (thats above the queen title) and she loved the snow. She was a black cocker with hair that touched the floor, you know the typical cocker cut and when she would play in the snow it would stick to her body and she would be completely covered. She was our snow puppy! Seeing your dogs in the snow reminded me of her. Thanks.
I love traditions. One of our favorites is to make Christmas cookies the week of Christmas. My sister comes over with her kids and we make tuna salad and make and decorate cookies all day long. We've been doing this for about 15 years( maybe more). Most of the kids are college age now, but still want to know when they are going to Aunt Camille's to make cookies. We have a ball.
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