Updated 7/1/14
HI! Did you miss my stamps, punches and wheels for sale! Check out the post below at HERE!!!
As promised here are MORE stamps for sale! These are double sets and most of them are brand new! They are $15 per set plus ship. Everyday Events is $13 because the duck is missing.
First Come, First Serve! Email me ( see email button to the right) if you are interested in anything on either post!
Ready! Set! Go!
$15 new SOLD
$15 new SOLD
$13 used- missing duck
MORE added: Each set is only $15! These were over $35 and $40! Set of left is clear mount but is missing the little hands. Set on the right is wood mount- very cute set!
Happy Shopping! All payments must be paid through Pay Pal.
Day Dream Medallion-sold
Bring on the Cake- sold
From my Heart- sold
Everything Eleanor- Sold